2003, the year that changed the very fabric of socializing; transcending from physical to virtual. The Movie, sometimes known as “the Facebook Movie” is based on the 2 lawsuits filed against Mark Zuckerberg (Jessie Isenberg) one by his best friend and partner Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) & the other by the Winklevoss twins (Armie Hammer and Josh Pence). What resulted in the success of FB- Winklevoss’ idea; Eduardo’s initial investment & trust; Mark’s programming skills or Napster founder Sean Parker’s (Justin Timberlake) mastermind marketing talents?

Excellent script, impeccable acting, engaging story line & accurate characterization makes it a MUST WATCH movie.


2008, the year of the economic crisis, when thousands of US factory workers were laid off, people were rendered homeless, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, AIG collapsed, no jobs, no money, no houses and most of all no hope! The world slipped into the quicksand of global recession. This is a documentary film narrated by Matt Damon, which exposes complex financial material with great simplicity. The masterminds involved in the creation of the bubble include not only banks & insurance companies but also the policy makers, economists, professors of prestigious universities, credit rating companies & many more entities you trusted! Not meant to be an entertainer, this film is an account of how changes in the banking atmosphere, financial practices & corrupt policy environment resulted into the global meltdown. The movie is divided in five parts & the situation is elaborated with the help of diagrams, presentations & interviews. TRUST ME- WATCH IT! If you can’t stand the documentary- at least watch the part V: where are we now?


Inspired by DePalma's Scarface, it is the story of Latif Yahia (Dominic Cooper), a body double to a gruesomely violent psychotic murderer & rapist- the notorious “black prince”- Saddam’s son, Uday Hussain. Uady is surrounded by bodyguards, psychopaths & drug addicts like himself but is terrified of assassination; therefore he uses the age-old formula of ‘fiday’ or body-double. With his family’s life at stake, Latif is left with no choice but to comply. The long-standing tradition of the use of doubles in Iraq is interesting & yet complicated at the same time.


Playful & swimming free a baby dolphin is caught up in a crab trap, severely damaging her tail. Sawyer (Nathan Gamble) stands by this dolphin day & night throughout her recovery at the Clearwater marine hospital. It is Sawyer’s love & belief in this little dolphin that despite amputation & little hope of survival, this dolphin miraculously not only subsists but also helps raise funds in order to save the hospital- all with the help of a wonderful prosthetics Doctor. It is not a tale of rehabilitation of a dolphin but it is the story of redemption of human beings from self-imposed insecurity, criticism & fear of failure. It is a bravura piece of film-making that captures the resilience of the human spirit.


Post his father’s demise& brother’s abdication, the stammering bbbbbBertie (Collin Firth) hesitantly accepts the throne of England. There’s one glitch- as a king he has to deliver speech! So, after several failed attempts & unsuccessful encounters with speech therapists, on the insistence of his wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), Bertie consults an unorthodox & unconventional speech counselor Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush) in order to overcome his stammer so that he could address his people on a radio to unite them during the testing times of war. It is a true story based on the life of King George V. With exceptional screenplay & power-packed performances, the film is a MUST WATCH!


Kathy Bolkovac (Rachel Weisz) is a divorced Nebraskan police officer who takes a job working as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia. Amidst corruption, cover-ups & diplomatic double-talks she unveils a dangerous world of human trafficking. Everyone’s involved- from the local police officers to the army, from the private contractors to the high level diplomats; will she be able to save the lives of the young girls, in whom she sees her own daughter? The naked truth & brutal reality is bound to make an impression!

After being moved by a pastor’s account on Sudan’s constant turbulent state, Sam Childers(Gerard Butler), With the help of Deng (souleymanesy Savane) & Marco (Mduduzi Mabaso), earns the titles, the “white preacher” & then the “Machinegun preacher” in his mission to save as many lives as he can in relentlessly at war Sudan. Building a church & then an orphanage is commonly not expected from a violent & ruthless drug addict! Cinematography, script, casting, dialogues & performances at its very best!
8.     THE RITE
Inspired by true events, this movie is about the age old battle against the Devil. Despite his own doubts & scepticism, Michael Kovak (ColinO'Donoghue), a seminary student pursues exorcism at the Vatican. Michael’s faith is tested to the hilt when he comes across a disquieting case that seems to surpass even the unorthodox Father Lucas’s (Anthony Hopkins) knack! This is just a glimpse into the realm of evil & unknown- without help & experience will Michael win over his inner devil? Will he overcome the inner war waging between logic & beliefs?
Penny Chenery Tweedy (Diane Lane), a house wife & mother takes up the responsibility of her ailing father’s meadow stables. It is a spectacular journey of a precious stallion that sets the unbeaten record as the 1973 Triple Crown winner. With the help of Lucien Laurin (John Malkovich) & Penny Chenery’s sheer determination a little pony transforms into “the best racehorse” of all times. Traditional yet fresh & inspiring, the film is beautifully shot!
10. 127 HOURS
In his quest for adventure, mountain climber Aron Ralston (James Franco) gets trapped in an isolated canyon in Canyon lands National Park of Utah. With every passing moment, limited resources & no sign of rescue, Aron realises that the only way to survive is to ampute his own hand! The movie captures the essence of human spirit & survival! Pondering his imminent death, he discovers the true meaning of life!
The movie is a great ensemble of impeccable performance, excellent cinematography, heart wrenching detailing & beautiful music!
After her Husband Joe’s (Sean Penn)op-ed article about erroneous decisions taken by White House resulting in unreasonable bombings in Iraq, Valarie Plame’s (Naomi Watts) cover was blown up by George W Bush. Rendered jobless and publicly disgraced the CIA covert agent, wages a vicious fight to expose the culprits & clear her name. Extraordinary performances & excellent script make this movie a great entertainer.
This is a story of "Irish" Micky Ward (Mark Wahalberg), an underdog battling long odds and obstinate adversity in pursuit of WBU Intercontinental Lightweight title and the WBU Light Welterweight title. In order to win in the ring he needs to conquer the rivalry between brothers and heal the wounded pride. Family melodrama, love story & complicated relationships- all punched together. Flawless acting & beautifully scripted plot surely are as power packed as a Knock-out!
I truly enjoyed watching these movies, hope the list serves its purpose.

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