Just imagine,
A theory- the relics of various religious sects excavated at
different locations on earth pointing towards the ‘creators’ of human beings! This
theory proposed by Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) & her partner Logan Marshall-green takes them along with 15 other people & an android named
David (Michael Fassbender) on a scientific expedition far away from planet Earth!
What would you do if you knew who the creators of human beings
were? What would you ask them? Why were you created? What is the purpose of
human life? How strong is your faith in ‘god’? What if we were created as an ‘experiment’
or by accident or just because the creators could create? Grappling with these
questions the scientists uncover the hidden agenda of the creators- sometimes
it is important to destroy in order to be able to create- the ‘aliens’ are
going to wage a biological war on us! On earth! Our search for our begning could lead to our end!
Would Elizabeth’s faith waver when she comes face to face with her
creators? How would the ‘homo sapiens’ survive the hostile conditions &
biological dangers? Will the scientists be able to stop the imminent war- given
that they are on ET- enemy territory already?
The script is average- mostly loose ended, there is also criminal
waste of talent- Guy Pearce , Charlize Theron, Idris Elba & Logan Marshall-Green are all underutilised! But the movie
does have its share of creepy ecstasies, oppressive design, grubby looking
aliens & gooey mucus everywhere! Noomi Rapace & Michael Fassbender are the star performers- watch the movie for their performances!
It is sci-fi thriller that raises more questions than it answers. If
you enjoy unfastened stories that make you think, then you may enjoy the movie.
DO NOT compare it with ‘alien’ and you shall not be disappointed.
“the trick, my friend, is not minding that it doesn’t answer all
your questions!”